Amanda Bynes, once a beloved child star, has undergone a dramatic transformation in recent years. After leaving Hollywood and battling personal struggles, she was found wandering the streets last year. Now, new photos reveal a shocking change in her appearance, sparking widespread reactions.
Amanda Bynes rose to fame as a child actor, captivating audiences with her performances on Nickelodeon and in popular teen movies. However, personal struggles with mental health and substance abuse saw her gradually disappear from the limelight.
Now, photos of the actress reveals just how much she has changed over the years and sparked concern among social media users about her well-being.
Amanda Bynes – The Rise of a Child Star and Her Struggles with Substance Abuse
Amanda Bynes first captured the hearts of audiences in the late 1990s and early 2000s as a young actress known for her comedic timing and vibrant personality. She rose to fame on Nickelodeon’s “All That,” leading to her spin-off show, “The Amanda Show.”
Amanda’s popularity snowballed, landing her roles in blockbuster movies like “What a Girl Wants,” “Hairspray,” and “She’s the Man.” However, behind the scenes, Amanda’s life was taking a darker turn.
Around the age of 16, she began experimenting with drugs, initially smoking marijuana. Reflecting on this period, she shared, “Even though everyone thought I was the ‘good girl,’ I did smoke marijuana from that point on.”
Over time, her youthful experimentation with marijuana escalated to harder recreational drugs. By the time Amanda starred in “Hairspray” in 2007, she found herself increasingly drawn to substances. She recalled reading an article in a magazine that described Adderall as “the new skinny pill.”
Amanda admitted, “I was like, ‘Well, I have to get my hands on that.'” Like many others during that time, she managed to obtain a prescription by visiting a psychiatrist and faking symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).
Looking back, Amanda believed that Adderall significantly impacted her behavior on the set of “Hall Pass” in 2010. She recounted how she would chew Adderall tablets, thinking it would intensify the effects.
She felt scattered and couldn’t focus or remember her lines after consuming several of the tablets this way. Her inability to concentrate and discomfort with her appearance led her to leave the film prematurely.
Despite rumors of her being fired, she clarified, “I made a bunch of mistakes, but I wasn’t fired. I did leave… it was definitely unprofessional of me to walk off and leave them stranded after they had invested so much in the set, crew, and equipment.”
Only a few months after walking away from “Hall Pass,” Amanda attended a screening of what would be her last film for several years, “Easy A.” However, the former child star couldn’t stand her appearance and disliked her performance, leading to a deep depression.
Amanda felt certain that she needed to step away from acting altogether. She officially announced her retirement from acting on X, formerly known as Twitter, which she later admitted was not the classiest exit.
Amanda’s Public Breakdown and Strained Family Ties
In 2013, Amanda was placed on a 5150 hold, a temporary detention for individuals deemed to pose a danger to themselves or others. During that episode, her mother, Lynn, was granted a temporary conservatorship over her daughter.
At that time, Lynn took control of Amanda’s estate and finances while planning to hire a professional conservator to manage her medical care and daily needs.
Over time, however, Amanda fought against the conservatorship, petitioning for it to end as she sought to regain control over her life. For years, the actress had a complex relationship with her family, particularly with her father.
In 1999, Amanda’s father claimed, “The reason everybody likes Amanda is who she is. And the minute you take her away from here, from her brother and sister and grandma and her house, well, you might not have Amanda anymore.”
However, by 2022, it became increasingly clear that Amanda’s relationship with her father was fraught with tension. A source close to the actress revealed that Amanda often expressed resentment toward her dad, holding him accountable for many of her problems.
“It’s scary. She talks about [how] ugly she is, and she sits on her phone 24-7, checking her Twitter feed. She is very angry at her father,” the source added.
Amanda struggled with her mental health again in 2023, leading to a concerning incident in Los Angeles. Early one morning, she was found wandering the streets near downtown, naked and alone.
According to eyewitnesses, Amanda appeared disoriented as she waved down a car and informed the driver that she was coming down from a psychotic episode. Taking matters into her own hands, she called 911 for help.
Authorities responded promptly, and Amanda was escorted to a nearby police station. There, a mental health team evaluated her condition and determined she needed to be placed on a 5150 psychiatric hold again.